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Yard Drainage Systems

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Pooling water in your yard and around your home can cause significant and costly damage. Yard drainage issues commonly stem from:

  • Sump pump discharges
  • Downspouts releasing water at a property’s foundation
  • Poorly graded lawns that funnel water back toward a home

If your gutters and downspouts are causing a drainage problem, a professionally installed yard drainage system courtesy of Chesapeake Irrigation & Lighting will help!

What We Do

All Chesapeake yard drainage services are implemented using an underground network of pipes.
NDS Downspout drain
Chesapeake installs:

  • Downspout and sump pump drainage systems that efficiently channel water away from your home.
  • Catch basins and channel drains strategically placed in low-lying areas of your lawn, where water can be funneled and redirected.

What We Don’t Do

Chesapeake does not regrade lawns.

Without the proper slope or a lower area of your lawn where water can be channeled from spot A to B, rain will ultiimately create pools, puddles, and problems.

In cases like these, you may need to have your lawn professionally regraded. We recommend consulting a landscaper.

Chesapeake Drains Your Yard, Not Your Wallet

Chesapeake offers efficient, cost-effective, and professionally installed yard drainage solutions to keep your home safe and dry.

Contact us today to set up an assessment for your yard drainage system, and to learn about our other irrigation services.

Call (410) 987-2969 to request more information or